The owners who had just purchased this house opted to lose a seldom-used sunroom in favor of an expanded kitchen. They liked the cabinets and countertops, but some were in the wrong place and there were not enough of them. The design proposed by Comfort Architecture called for salvaging existing granite countertops and mixing them with new soapstone island and bar tops and adding a few new wood cabinets to match the existing ones which were either left in place or reinstalled in new locations.
In the completed design it’s hard to tell existing from new.
Before & After: An opening between the kitchen and bar beyond serves as a means of opening up the center of the house to create a visual connection between the kitchen, bar, and living room.
Interrupting the curved lighting track where it intersects a beam creates the illusion that the lighting track goes through the beam. The gracious curve of the lighting track complements the curved edge of the island countertop below.
The design of the reconfigured kitchen expansion provided an opportunity for a new bar that is visually connected with the kitchen. The interrelationship between the kitchen and bar is reinforced by a two-sided glass storage cabinet and a curved lighting track that meanders between the two spaces, emphasizing their interconnectivity.
Before & After: An existing small screened porch was removed and replaced by a new mud room at left and a larger screened porch on the right.